Aug 27, 2008

Will Christopher Nolan Do Batman 3?

Everyday it seems that there is a new rumor regarding a third Batman film (Cher as Catwoman? C'mon) and as the film nears $500 million domestically I think it is safe to say that there will be a third film but will Christopher Nolan be back?

In a recent article from THR which says that Warners and Legendary are both interested in doing a third in the series, but all involved say it will be up to Christopher Nolan to come to them with a story and a plan.

"There are a lot of us who emotionally would love to do it," Roven says. "But it's really Chris' call. Chris is the kind of filmmaker who just doesn't think about the next movie before he has completely finished the movie he is working on."

If Nolan turns down the idea of a third Batman film I believe Warner Bros. will go ahead with a new director regardless. Also the way Nolan ended The Dark Knight screams third film so it's hard to believe that there was not a loose plan for a third. What do you guys think?


Unknown said...

Can't get into detail, but yes there is a third in the works.