Aug 18, 2008

Movie Review: Wanted (2008)

Take some time out from flipping cars and curving bullets and check out my review of Wanted.

Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) is a guy who has been shit on all his life. His job sucks, his (bitch) girlfriend is screwing his best friend and he suffers from extreme panic attacks. This all changes when he meets assassin Fox (Angelina Jolie) who takes him to the Fraternity, an ancient society of assassins led by Sloan (Morgan Freeman). Sloan explains that Wesley’s father was an assassin and from there Wesley learns how to do some really cool assassins shit which include “Curving the bullet”!

This is a dumb fun action film with some amazing and unbelievable action scenes but really there are not enough of those scenes to make it really great. Let’s face it that’s all its got going for it, instead it tries to drag out a very simple story with endless “training” scenes and “twists” that you will see coming a mile away.

McAvoy takes on a role that you know Shai Labeouf probably turned down. Freeman is Freeman although towards the end of the film you can tell he didn’t bother bringing his A, B or C game to this film. And Angelia Jolie is simply phoning it in and wanders through the film like a mute zombie with cool tattoos. Freeman and Jolie are there because they are names, that’s it and in a way it brings down the film a lot. But probably its biggest problem, character wise, is Mcavoy who is totally unlikeable as our ‘hero’. We are supposed to feel sorry for the character then root for him as the film goes on but I couldn’t. I just wanted to bend the bullet into his damn brain.

As I said before there are a few twists in the film but they are so predictable and when they are revealed they reveal even more plot holes. I had fun watching the film for the most part and don’t get me wrong the action scenes are really freakin’ cool but it’s just a shame that they were not in a better written and acted film.

So I say go see it, have some fun with the awesome action scenes, the cool bullet curving and Angelia Jolie's naked butt and ignore the rest of it, which should be easy to do.
