Aug 16, 2008

'Universal Soldier 3'! Some Confirmation!

You know what? The made for TV 'Universal Soldier 3: Unfinished Business' just didn't cut it for me, I want Van Damme! I want The Dolph! So the "buzz" about a new film which will feature both had got me a little excited and doing slo-mo fly kicks in frontyard. Check inside for some actual confirmation on the project. Anyone else a little excited about these two being back together UniSol style? And could it be too late for the project?

Thanks to Clint Morris over at Moviehole who reported the following:

I just got off the phone with "Lost Boys : The Tribe" director P.J Pesce (lovely bloke) who tells me that, if we'd spoken last week, his next film would have been ''Universal Soldier 3'' starring Jean Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren.

"Unfortunately that has fallen apart", says Pesce. "It's really too bad. We had a great script. But it just cratered - I don't know what's gonna happen."

Pesce's a bit bummed that he won't be working with Van Damme and Lundgren on the film but says "It's the way it goes in this business".

Let's hope this is not the last we hear about Universal Soldier 3.