Aug 7, 2008

The Happening on DVD and Blu-Ray in October

M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening will be hitting the shelves on October 7. Check inside for the DVD cover art and the special features which I wished included a commentary by a bunch of film critics on 'Why we hate M. Night Shyamalan'. Well I like you buddy!

Special Features will include:
-Deleted scenes with introductions from M. Night Shyamalan
-Behind the scenes featurettes (The Hard Cut, A Day for Night, Elements of a Scene, Visions of The Happening: A Making of, I Hear You Whispering)
-Gag reel.

A Blu-ray release will also be available for with all of the above, plus scene specific PIP, 2 short featurettes (Train Shooting, Forces Unseen), and a digital copy of the film.

Here's the DVD artwork:

Source: DVDactive