May 29, 2009

Tony Scott Confirms ALIEN PREQUEL

Recent word of an Alien remake or reboot on the horizon really didn't excite me (remake news rarely does) but now there is confirmation that the film will actually be a prequel to Ridley Scott's 1979 masterpiece. The Alien prequel will be directed by Carl Rinsch, a very talented commercial/music video director and part of Ridley and Tony's Scott Free Productions. See what else Tony Scott has to say about the prequel to his brothers film.

While at a press junket for The Taking of Pelham 123 Collider asked Tony Scott the truth behind the Alien reboot/prequel rumors.

Collider: 20th Century Fox is talking about remaking or redoing the original Alien. What’s going on with that?
Tony Scott: Yes, Carl Rinsch is going to do the prequel to Alien. He’s one of our directors at our company.
Collider: I’m going to be blunt about this. Fox has not been doing a great job recently with their movies. They haven’t been an artist friendly studio. Are you guys going to have some creative control and make this a kick-ass film?
Tony: Yes! But Fox is our home. They finace our production company.
Collider: And I’m very happy that you guys have the financing. But a lot of the films they’ve been doing at the studio level, they’ve been nickel and diming and not giving fandom what they want. So I guess my question for you is…are you a little nervous about reengaging the franchise or are you excited.
Tony: I’m excited cause Ridley created the original and Carl Rinsch is one of the family.
Collider: When do you envision this film getting in front of cameras?
Tony: Hopefully the end of the year.
Collider: Will it be a summer of 2011 movie?
Tony: Honestly, I don’t know.

Obviously I would love to see an Alien 5 but in a world where prequels and reboots reign supreme, I'm glad we are getting a prequel.