Jul 14, 2008

School of Rock 2 is ready to...uh rock

Yes, its official the whole team will be back together for the upcoming School of Rock 2: America Rocks. Mike White has written the script, Jack Black will be back and Richard Linklater will once again take on directing duties. Is this good news? Yes I think so. I enjoyed the first and the fact that we won't be getting some straight to DVD sequel which just borrows the name is excellent news and by the sounds of the premise, if you liked the first you should digg the second.

The film picks up with Dewey Finn leading a group of summer school students on a cross-country field trip that delves into the history of rock 'n' roll and explores the roots of blues, rap, country and more. Sounds promising and with the first being one of Jack Black's better films I will be looking forward to this. As long as they don't change the name to School of Rock: Ready 2 Rock.