Nov 22, 2008

Details & Cover Art for Christina Lindberg's EXPOSED on DVD!

It's a good time to be a fan of Miss Christina Lindberg. Throw out your crappy bootlegs of EXPOSED aka The Depraved because on March 31st, 2009 Synapse will be officially releasing the film on DVD!
Synapse Films revealed on their blog that "Not only were we able to do a far superior transfer to previous editions, we have it loaded with extras, too!"

Check it out:
- Anamorphic 16x9 [1.66:1]Transfer
- Swedish Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
- Newly Translated Removable English Subtitles
- "OVER EXPOSED" Featurette with Christina Lindberg
- Two Music Tracks from Christina Lindberg
- Still Gallery
- Theatrical Trailer